A new and exciting GNOME version is out. Get it while it’s fresh!
I haven’t been able to contribute as much as I would like lately, just barely keeping not too outdated, but…
Arquitectura y técnica
A new and exciting GNOME version is out. Get it while it’s fresh!
I haven’t been able to contribute as much as I would like lately, just barely keeping not too outdated, but…
Juanjo Marin wrote,
No hay contribución pequeña, aunque siempre se puede colaborar más 🙂
Link | abril 8th, 2011 at 6:17 pm
pachi wrote,
Sin duda, Juanjo, siempre me quedo con la sensación de que me hubiese gustado colaborar más pero con la satisfacción de haber puesto mi granito de arena, pese al poco tiempo que puedo dedicarle.
Link | abril 8th, 2011 at 8:05 pm