A new and exciting GNOME version is out. Get it while it’s fresh! I haven’t been able to contribute as much as I would like lately, just barely keeping not too outdated, but…
Arquitectura y técnica
A new and exciting GNOME version is out. Get it while it’s fresh! I haven’t been able to contribute as much as I would like lately, just barely keeping not too outdated, but…
GNOME 2.28 is here now with new awesome. Read the full release notes here. You can also read a bit more about future plans and a general overview about the direction GNOME is taking in an interview to Vicent Untz.
Graphic and urban artist BLU uses walls as canvas for his/her beautiful, delicate and elegant animations and paintings. I’m not surprised to see some of this work being shown in the Tate Modern in London, and, as an architect, I really enjoyed how the paintings/animations are spatially conceived and take into consideration the scale and […]
The OpenOffice spreadsheet application, calc, can be extended through plugins to support new functions that can be as easily used in cell formulas as the built-in ones. Being able to do this using my favourite language, Python, is possible, but not very well documented, so I’ve experimented a bit with it and have come up […]
As lately most of the news in the media around here are related to either the forthcoming general spanish elections or the U.S. ones, this comic strip made me smile a bit but also made me think about how our attitude shapes our lives in common, as a society: Xkcd definitely rocks! 🙂
These days, some people on the PyGTK mailing list have showed their disappointment with the apparent lack of support for GTK+ on the win32 platform. As far as I can tell, the main problem lies in the lack of a convenient packaging due to lack of manpower, as the platform seems to build fine and […]
This is the latest xkcd comic strip. Yay!
One of the things I love of being an architect is the opportunity to see and enjoy unusual and even hidden views… Last week I visited Toledo, as part of an ongoing contract, where I’m doing the structural engineering evaluation and consultancy for the rehabilitation of an old building. This building is very interesting, as […]
List of some nice Thunderbird and Firefox addons I currently use, both on GNU/Linux and Windows: Firefox: Firebug, Yslow, Colorzilla, JSView: Powerful addons to debug and help into the development of websites and webapps Minimize to Tray Plus, Remember mismatched domains, Download statusbar, Bookmark Duplicate Detector Convenience addons Scrapbook Locally store web contents Thunderbird: External […]
Today my cousin Manuel sent me a youtube link pointing to a sketch for an humoristic TV show he and some other talented people are creating. The gags reminds me of those from Monty Python. Bright and acid, criticizing some of our worst defects as a society by looking at them through a surreal glass. […]