Categoría: english
1 junio, 2007 (18:49) | english, sociedad
Here’s an interesting cite dealing with how to argue constructively. These words are attributed to the mathematical psychologist Anatol Rapoport and I discovered them thanks to the brilliant Bryan O’Sullivan blog, of Mercurial fame: Serious argument depends on mutual respect, and this is often hard to engender when disagreements turn vehement. The social psychologist and […]
24 mayo, 2007 (21:51) | english, gnome, python, software-libre
This is my first post after being added to the feed, so, thanks to Jeff Waugh for it and to Alberto Ruiz for putting his hackergotchi skills to my service! :). For those that don’t use to hang on the #pygtk IRC channel, I’ll briefly introduce myself. My GNOME related activities are mainly tied […]
13 mayo, 2007 (15:26) | english, sociedad
This should be great news. For everyone’s good, the e-Leo digital library has announced that a whole lot of very interesting content is now available on the World Wide Web. Around 6000 drawings and writings from Leonardo da Vinci should be accessible now. However, when enter the site you’re faced to the need to register. […]
6 marzo, 2007 (23:31) | english, gnome, software-libre
Woohoo! I received this mail some days ago: Dear Rafael Villar Burke, We are pleased to inform you that you are now part of the GNOME Foundation Membership. You are now eligible to become a candidate for election and to vote in the annual Board of Directors elections held each November. […] For more information […]
14 diciembre, 2006 (18:00) | english, mercurial, programación, software-libre
Keith Packard discusses why robust repository formats are important for any version control software. This is really an important point when evaluating the robustness of any version control system, as you want to avoid the corruption of all your data due to a disk failure and an unfortunate way to store the tracked information. One […]
1 diciembre, 2006 (16:21) | english, reminders, software-libre
I’ve been using msys and cygwin to have a sane command line environment when working in windows. Something I didn’t know how to fix until today was the lack of input and display support for accented characters and the weird behaviour of the del key. I finally got it all working as I want it […]
31 octubre, 2006 (04:28) | english, reminders
WordPress uses it’s own .htaccess files and thus shadows the stats page on dreamhost. To keep the recipe at hand for the next time I’ve decided to link the relevant wiki page here.
22 octubre, 2006 (19:29) | english, programación
It’s quite common to find myself searching the web for HTML entity names when writing webpages. They’re very useful to avoid encoding problems with those symbols that don’t fit belong to those defined with ASCII codes. I’ve posted a reference here to have them at hand next time.
10 octubre, 2006 (12:28) | english, libros, programación, python
This is how Dr. Gary Larson graphically describes static typing.
22 septiembre, 2006 (01:14) | arquitectura, english
Googling around trying to find some texts about design patterns and computer programming I could find this interesting cite from Christopher Alexander, in a website devoted to his book The Nature of Order: In the past century, architecture has always been a minor science – if it has been a science at all. Present day […]