Mes: mayo, 2008

Piero Lissoni y (algo de) diseño italiano

21 mayo, 2008 (12:39) | arquitectura, castellano

«If inspiration is only connected with design or architecture, it’s for me like, more or less, pornography, because it’s only autoreferential. Life is the richest way […] to creativity». La cita corresponde a una entrevista a Piero Lissoni que ofrece en vídeo Vernisage TV. Tras enterarme de que el diseñador y arquitecto Piero Lissoni impartirá […]

Urban art

20 mayo, 2008 (13:13) | arte, english

Graphic and urban artist BLU uses walls as canvas for his/her beautiful, delicate and elegant animations and paintings. I’m not surprised to see some of this work being shown in the Tate Modern in London, and, as an architect, I really enjoyed how the paintings/animations are spatially conceived and take into consideration the scale and […]

Sons de Cortegada

19 mayo, 2008 (21:56) | galego

Hoxe pola tardiña, no camiño que vai entre o lusco e fusco, soan os versos de Cunqueiro ós que Amancio Prada puxo música: Si miña señora á i-alba de Arousa beilar, poñereille, belida, un ventiño no mar. !A dorna vai e ven, que meu amor ten! Poñereille unha frauta e máis un reiseñor e unha […]

Simple python calc addin example

6 mayo, 2008 (02:07) | english, OpenOffice, programación, python, software-libre

The OpenOffice spreadsheet application, calc, can be extended through plugins to support new functions that can be as easily used in cell formulas as the built-in ones. Being able to do this using my favourite language, Python, is possible, but not very well documented, so I’ve experimented a bit with it and have come up […]